Friday, February 7, 2025

The Revenge of Vlad III - A Table Top Game In 28mm.

                    The Revenge of Vlad III

Ottoman forces have ravaged southern Wallachia without check for months, the reputation of Prince Vlad is being tested and his subjects slaughtered. It's time for the son of the Dragon to
act, and act he will. 

After the humiliating defeat at the siege of Branneş, Vlad is bent on revenge. The victorious Ottoman column is heading towards the Danube and relative safety, but in the distance banners are spotted and Vlad's grisley gifts line the roadside.

Just out of sight from the Ottomans the Wallachian army prepares for battle, their deadly archers take up positions in the woods, ready to rain death upon their enemies.

Sensing something is very wrong the Ottomans also deploy for battle, while the archers and their heavy bombard make ready, the sipahi ride on to disrupt the enemy ahead.

The sipahi were certainly not ready for what happened next, the Wallachian archers open up a deadly hail of arrows with devastating consequences. Vlad's cavalry then swarmed into view and brutally cut through the sipahi and onto the Ottoman infantry behind.

The fighting was swift, bloody and merciless. The Ottoman bombard didn't even have time to fire before the crew were cut down with arrows then cavalry swords and lances. The brave few survivors of the infantry fought on but it was a forlorn hope, Vlad would have his revenge.

The remaining Ottomans knew their fate would be horrific and pleaded for their lives, but the fate of those at Branneş and Vlad's reputation to uphold came first, new stakes were prepared.

The Siege of Branneş, a Village on the Danube - A Table Top Game In 28mm.

     The Siege of Branneş

Branneş is a small fortified village close to the Danube on the Wallachian side, Ottoman raids are a constant worry for the inhabitants.

One such raid was seen coming in and the women and children were evacuated, only the farmers and monks, now turned warriors, remained to defend their small piece of Earth.

The Ottoman force approached the town with an arrogance bordering on the suicidal, Wallachian arrows found their mark time after time.


The Ottomans soon beat a tactical retreat into the woods, out of range of the deadly Wallachian arrows. The Sipahi split their contingent and a party of them rode around the village to cut off any escape from the north gate, they had to keep a good distance to be out of arrow shot, but the message was clear, the Wallachians were trapped.

The men in the village are exchanging worried glances, the bowmen are conserving their arrows and only losing off now and then, the Ottomans on the other hand have their trump weapon rolling in, a bombard......

The siege weapon is soon in position and spits forth destruction, unfortunately the gunners are not that great and the shot falls short. Added to their discomfort they have positioned their bombard within range of the Wallachian archers, a rescue mission is undertaken. Even with the repositioning of the bombard in the woods, their aim is still much to be desired.

Finally the range is worked out and the bombard works its devastating magic, the wall crumbles and the Wallachians prepare for hand to hand combat.

Combatants clash and blood is spilt, the Wallachians fight hard but experience pays off, the Sipahi at the north gate gallop around the village to support the attack on the south.

The Ottomans smell victory, the Sipahi gather and the bombard loads up for the last time and the final assault rolls in.

The attack is a complete success, but the cost has been heavy, the Ottomans celebrate a pyrrhic victory and the prisoners are dragged away, apart from the monks, who were executed. 

Vlad will have his revenge............

The Siege Of Hobbs Street - A Tabletop Game In 28mm.


We all knew when the Skeleton Army declared a day of protest that Saturday was going to be rather trying, but, there was no way anyone could predict the tragic events to come. The police under the command of DI Bolton were there in force to maintain order and all seemed to be in hand.

Using the protest in the High Street as a distraction three Anarchists robbed the wages clerk at the factory gates in Drovers Road and made off with the wages down Drovers Road pursued by several locals. Meanwhile the police were still trying to diffuse tensions with the Skeleton Army.

Whilst being chased down Drovers Road one of the Anarchists open fire scattering the locals, the shot was heard by the police in the High Street and it wasn't long before they and the Skeleton Army forgot their differences and joined in the chase.

Seeing the pursuing crowd gaining in size and bravery despite shooting at them one of the Anarchists turned and fired another two times, unfortunately one of the shots severely wounded Mr Wicker the travel agent.

The chase continued for a while, but no one was injured, soon the Anarchists were run to ground at number 10 Hobbs Street, having been chased up Wells Street they gained entrance through the back door. The police quickly evacuated both Hobbs and Wells Streets and surrounded the building whilst under fire from the upstairs windows.

After many outrages in London recently it seemed the Anarchists were finally cornered, the enormity of this situation was soon made apparent when the Home Secretary himself, Mr Birchill, came down and ordered soldiers to be brought to the scene. 

Shots were being exchanged at an alarming rate, a soldier in Wells Street was wounded and both the police and military were saying they had shot an Anarchist, but by the sounds of it they were far from dead!

The house was being peppered with bullets and yet pistol shots were still being fired from the upstairs windows. It soon became apparent that this siege could not go on much longer as smoke started billowing out of the ground floor windows, the house was on fire!

With the flames licking higher the pistol shots from upstairs died away, a terrible end indeed, the soldiers were stood down and the fire brigade was called. So ended the siege of Hobbs Street.

The Revenge of Vlad III - A Table Top Game In 28mm.

                    The Revenge of Vlad III Ottoman forces have ravaged southern Wallachia without check for months, the reputation of Princ...